I am a Priestess of Spirit. I serve Truth and the Sacred Journey. I am a Ritualist. I am a Musician, Sound Healer, Intuitive, Tarot Reader, and Personal Empowerment Activator.
I am here to remind you of your Sacred Purpose. To remind you that You are your Sacred Purpose and that all of your dreams and true desires are the light that you must follow to become who you are meant to be in this life. I am here to remind you to listen to your intuition and to empower you to be brave enough to follow it.
My being in this life is focused on personal empowerment & personal freedom, through self-acceptance and the acknowledgment of personal Truth. Our personal Truth holds so much information about who we are, who we are here to be, and what messages we have for the collective. I believe the work starts here.
In sessions with me, the focus is on you. We discuss your gifts, your path, and what needs to be addressed right now. I am here to help you strengthen your intuition and gain clarity on your situation. How You can be the change, the catalyst to creating the growth in your life you want to see. How you can best serve your highest purpose and do the greatest good from where you are right now.