Jessica is a psychic, evidential medium, clairvoyant medical intuitive, energy healer, astrologer, sound bath healing practitioner and dreams interpreter. She has been serving clients over 20 years in the Los Angeles area.
Psychic Reading
Jessica goes into a light trance when she tunes in with the soul of her client. She channels her given clairs - seeing (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), feeling (clairsentience), and knowing (claircognizance) - providing validation, insight and guidance into specific matters of the heart, facets of the soul, spiritual path, destiny, and whatever else you will seek to resolve, as well as recognizing your unique spiritual needs and/or concerns.
Evidential Mediumship Reading
Jessica serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual world as an evidential medium. As a messenger to those in Spirit, Jessica communicates with departed loved ones to bring through hope, love, and healing messages as well as evidence that those in Spirit are in fact always with us, proving love never dies.
Astrology Chart Reading
Jessica has been an astrologer for over 20 years uncovering the deeper meaning in natal, synastry & composite (relationship charts) & progressed chart readings using the evolutionary method of astrology. Each chart offers a unique perspective and deeper meaning into ourselves, spiritual purpose, progressed evolution in this lifetime, past life indications, how we interact and why in our relationships with others, and more.
Aura and Chakra Clearing:
Jessica sees aura and the energetic movement of the chakras, along with any emotional/ etheric imbalances and/or trauma in one’s energy fields as far back as their childhood and past lives, and she can remove found blockages.
Dream Interpretation
Jessica is an intuitive dream interpreter. For most of her adult years, she has helped many to decipher and interpret the various symbols, colors, and stories dreams hold — messages brought to our subconscious from our Spirit guides and Angels to guide us. Jessica has also taught classes on dream interpretation, helping thousands to understand the meaning of recurring, nightmares, lucid, prophetic, among other dreams.
Off-site energy Clearing
Jessica feels negative energetic blockages that can be felt as “heavy” within the home or work space. She can also see if there is any Spirit people lingering that may be affecting the well being of those in the home or work space. With her bag of spiritual tools she will use what is needed to clear the energy and fill the space with healing energy and protect the space from energy “invaders”.
For information on medical intuitive readings visit Jessica at