
5 Clair Senses
Aura & Chakra Clearing
Dream Interpretation
This Reader Offers:
This Coach Offers:

Phone, Facetime and Zoom Sessions

The Spiritual Owl is now offering her readings at Mystic Journey Gallery located at:

1702 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291


Jessica is a psychic, evidential medium, clairvoyant medical intuitive, energy healer, astrologer, sound bath healing practitioner and dreams interpreter. She has been serving clients over 20 years in the Los Angeles area.

Psychic Reading

Jessica goes into a light trance when she tunes in with the soul of her client. She channels her given clairs - seeing (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), feeling (clairsentience), and knowing (claircognizance) - providing validation, insight and guidance into specific matters of the heart, facets of the soul, spiritual path, destiny, and whatever else you will seek to resolve, as well as recognizing your unique spiritual needs and/or concerns.

Evidential Mediumship Reading

Jessica serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual world as an evidential medium. As a messenger to those in Spirit, Jessica communicates with departed loved ones to bring through hope, love,  and healing messages as well as evidence that those in Spirit are in fact always with us, proving love never dies.

Astrology Chart Reading

Jessica has been an astrologer for over 20 years uncovering the deeper meaning in natal, synastry & composite (relationship charts) & progressed chart readings using the evolutionary method of astrology. Each chart offers a unique perspective and deeper meaning into ourselves, spiritual purpose, progressed evolution in this lifetime, past life indications, how we interact and why in our relationships with others, and more.

Aura and Chakra Clearing:

Jessica sees aura and the energetic movement of the chakras, along with any emotional/ etheric imbalances and/or trauma in one’s energy fields as far back as their childhood and past lives, and she can remove found blockages.

Dream Interpretation

Jessica is an intuitive dream interpreter. For most of her adult years, she has helped many to decipher and interpret the various symbols, colors, and stories dreams hold — messages brought to our subconscious from our Spirit guides and Angels to guide us. Jessica has also taught classes on dream interpretation, helping thousands to understand the meaning of recurring, nightmares, lucid, prophetic, among other dreams.

Off-site energy Clearing

Jessica feels negative energetic blockages that can be felt as “heavy” within the home or work space. She can also see if there is any Spirit people lingering that may be affecting the well being of those in the home or work space. With her bag of spiritual tools she will use what is needed to clear the energy and fill the space with healing energy and protect the space from energy “invaders”.  

For information on medical intuitive readings visit Jessica at

"Jessica was able to bring up heavy points in my life right now and read my aura and helped me identify control issues Im dealing with, vulnerability issues and brought up blockages going on in my personal and work life. Highly recommend her services. True gift she has!" - JOHN F.

“Jessica provided detailed evidence of my late mother, and son that I knew they were present with us in the room. So specific that I cried. I will forever remember my reading and the enormous healing I received to know that they are at peace and together.” - SHELLY RHODES

“I love going to psychics so I came to Jessica for a psychic reading and was moved by her specific details about my life and how she knew I was pregnant. She delved into my spiritual purpose and hidden talents, which opened up my eyes to a whole new area of work that I have been considering for so long but feared to take the initiative. It was a life-changing reading and recommend it to anyone.” - ANNA MARIE

NOTE! This Coach ONLY Offers:
NOTE! This Reader ONLY Offers:

Phone, Facetime and Zoom Sessions

The Spiritual Owl is now offering her readings at Mystic Journey Gallery located at:

1702 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291

If you are interested in booking our intuitive readers for an off site event, please send an email to:

All consultant work of any type done in-store, over the phone, or via Skype, Zoom of FaceTime is meant to be for entertainment purposes only, and in no way constitutes legal, financial, medical or other advice. It does not constitute any diagnosis or treatment of any illness either spiritual, physical, or mental. All consultations are not an exact science and is presented solely for your personal entertainment & enjoyment. You should not rely on these consultations to give or assist in the circumstances of your life, or as a foundation or basis to change or not to change your life or lifestyle. All consultation work services done at and through Mystic Journey Bookstore are by independent contractors and they are not employed by Mystic Journey Bookstore or Mystic Journey Books, Inc.  Mystic Journey Books, Inc. and its officers, directors and employees as well as Jeffrey Segal and /or Mystic Journey Books, Inc. DBA Mystic Journey Bookstore  accept no liability for any damages, direct, consequential or punitive arising from the use of the consultations offered at and through Mystic Journey Bookstore.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
5 MINUTE RULE: If the consultant or the client feel theconsultation is not a good “fit” , then the consultation can be voided by either the reader or the client if the staff is informed within the first 5 minutes of the reading .

All consultant work of any type done in-store, over the phone, or via Skype, Zoom of FaceTime is meant to be for personal enjoyment only, and in no way constitutes legal, financial, medical or other advice. It does not constitute any diagnosis or treatment of any illness either spiritual, physical, or mental. All consultations are not an exact science and is presented solely for your personal enjoyment. You should not rely on these consultations to give or assist in the circumstances of your life, or as a foundation or basis to change or not to change your life or lifestyle. All consultation work services done at and through Mystic Journey Bookstore are by independent contractors and in that capacity they are not employed by Mystic Journey Bookstore or Mystic Journey Books, Inc.  Mystic Journey Books, Inc. and its officers, directors and employees, including as in that capacity and /or Mystic Journey Books, Inc. DBA Mystic Journey Bookstore accept no liability for any damages, direct, consequential or punitive arising from the use of the consultations offered at and through Mystic Journey Bookstore.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
5 MINUTE RULE: If the consultant or the client feel theconsultation is not a good “fit” , then the consultation can be voided by either the reader or the client if the staff is informed within the first 5 minutes of the reading .